Multi-subject joint source localization with MTW

The aim of this tutorial is to show how to leverage functional similarity across subjects to improve source localization with a spatial prior using Optimal transport (Janati et al, 2019). Unlike multi-task Lasso which assumes that the exact same sources are active for all subjects, MTW promotes a soft spatial proximity prior of sources across subjects. This example illustrates this on the the high frequency SEF MEG dataset of (Nurminen et al., 2017) which provides MEG and MRI data for two subjects.

# Author: Hicham Janati (
# License: BSD (3-clause)

import os
import os.path as op

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

import mne
from mne.parallel import parallel_func
from mne.datasets import hf_sef

from groupmne import compute_group_inverse, prepare_fwds, compute_fwd

Download and process MEG data

For this example, we use the HF somatosensory dataset [2]. We need the raw data to estimate the noise covariance since only average MEG data (and MRI) are provided in “evoked”. The data will be downloaded in the same location

_ = hf_sef.data_path("raw")
data_path = hf_sef.data_path("evoked")
meg_path = data_path + "/MEG/"

data_path = op.expanduser(data_path)
subjects_dir = data_path + "/subjects/"
os.environ['SUBJECTS_DIR'] = subjects_dir

raw_name_s = [meg_path + s for s in ["subject_a/sef_right_raw.fif",

def process_meg(raw_name):
    """Extract epochs from a raw fif file.

    raw_name: str
        path to the raw fif file.

    epochs: Epochs instance

    raw =
    events = mne.find_events(raw)

    event_id = dict(hf=1)  # event trigger and conditions
    tmin = -0.05  # start of each epoch (50ms before the trigger)
    tmax = 0.3  # end of each epoch (300ms after the trigger)
    baseline = (None, 0)  # means from the first instant to t = 0
    epochs = mne.Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, proj=True,
    return epochs

epochs_s = [process_meg(raw_name) for raw_name in raw_name_s]
evokeds = [ep.average() for ep in epochs_s]

# compute noise covariance (takes a few minutes)
noise_covs = []
for subj, ep in zip(["a", "b"], epochs_s):
    cov_fname = meg_path + f"subject_{subj}/sef-cov.fif"
    cov = mne.compute_covariance(ep[:100], tmin=None, tmax=0.)

f, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True)
for ax, ev, nc, ll in zip(axes.ravel(), evokeds, noise_covs, ["a", "b"]):
    picks = mne.pick_types(, meg="grad")
    ev.plot(picks=picks, axes=ax, noise_cov=nc, show=False)
    ax.set_title("Subject %s" % ll, fontsize=15)

del epochs_s
Subject a, Subject b


Opening raw data file /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/MEG/subject_a/sef_right_raw.fif...
    Read a total of 8 projection items:
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
    Range : 26000 ... 1735999 =      8.667 ...   578.666 secs
Opening raw data file /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/MEG/subject_a/sef_right_raw-1.fif...
    Read a total of 8 projection items:
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
    Range : 1736000 ... 2482999 =    578.667 ...   827.666 secs
Current compensation grade : 0
2527 events found
Event IDs: [1]
2527 matching events found
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Not setting metadata
Created an SSP operator (subspace dimension = 8)
8 projection items activated
Opening raw data file /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/MEG/subject_b/hf_sef_15min_raw.fif...
    Read a total of 8 projection items:
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
    Range : 169000 ... 1878999 =     56.333 ...   626.333 secs
Opening raw data file /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/MEG/subject_b/hf_sef_15min_raw-1.fif...
    Read a total of 8 projection items:
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
    Range : 1879000 ... 2892999 =    626.333 ...   964.333 secs
Current compensation grade : 0
2792 events found
Event IDs: [1]
2792 matching events found
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Not setting metadata
Created an SSP operator (subspace dimension = 8)
8 projection items activated
Loading data for 100 events and 1051 original time points ...
0 bad epochs dropped
Computing rank from data with rank=None
    Using tolerance 6.1e-09 (2.2e-16 eps * 306 dim * 8.9e+04  max singular value)
    Estimated rank (mag + grad): 298
    MEG: rank 298 computed from 306 data channels with 8 projectors
    Created an SSP operator (subspace dimension = 8)
    Setting small MEG eigenvalues to zero (without PCA)
Reducing data rank from 306 -> 298
Estimating covariance using EMPIRICAL
Number of samples used : 15100
Loading data for 100 events and 1051 original time points ...
0 bad epochs dropped
Computing rank from data with rank=None
    Using tolerance 5.3e-09 (2.2e-16 eps * 306 dim * 7.8e+04  max singular value)
    Estimated rank (mag + grad): 298
    MEG: rank 298 computed from 306 data channels with 8 projectors
    Created an SSP operator (subspace dimension = 8)
    Setting small MEG eigenvalues to zero (without PCA)
Reducing data rank from 306 -> 298
Estimating covariance using EMPIRICAL
Number of samples used : 15100
Computing rank from covariance with rank=None
    Using tolerance 1.9e-13 (2.2e-16 eps * 204 dim * 4.1  max singular value)
    Estimated rank (grad): 201
    GRAD: rank 201 computed from 204 data channels with 3 projectors
Computing rank from covariance with rank=None
    Using tolerance 1.2e-14 (2.2e-16 eps * 102 dim * 0.52  max singular value)
    Estimated rank (mag): 97
    MAG: rank 97 computed from 102 data channels with 5 projectors
Computing rank from covariance with rank=None
    Using tolerance 3.3e-13 (2.2e-16 eps * 204 dim * 7.4  max singular value)
    Estimated rank (grad): 201
    GRAD: rank 201 computed from 204 data channels with 3 projectors
Computing rank from covariance with rank=None
    Using tolerance 8e-15 (2.2e-16 eps * 102 dim * 0.35  max singular value)
    Estimated rank (mag): 97
    MAG: rank 97 computed from 102 data channels with 5 projectors

Source and forward modeling

To guarantee an alignment across subjects, we start by computing the source space of fsaverage

resolution = 4
spacing = "ico%d" % resolution

fsaverage_fname = op.join(subjects_dir, "fsaverage")
if not op.exists(fsaverage_fname):

src_ref = mne.setup_source_space(subject="fsaverage",


Setting up the source space with the following parameters:

SUBJECTS_DIR = /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/subjects/
Subject      = fsaverage
Surface      = white
Icosahedron subdivision grade 4

>>> 1. Creating the source space...

Doing the icosahedral vertex picking...
Loading /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/subjects/fsaverage/surf/lh.white...
Mapping lh fsaverage -> ico (4) ...
    Warning: zero size triangles: [3 4]
    Triangle neighbors and vertex normals...
Loading geometry from /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/subjects/fsaverage/surf/lh.sphere...
Setting up the triangulation for the decimated surface...
loaded lh.white 2562/163842 selected to source space (ico = 4)

Loading /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/subjects/fsaverage/surf/rh.white...
Mapping rh fsaverage -> ico (4) ...
    Warning: zero size triangles: [3 4]
    Triangle neighbors and vertex normals...
Loading geometry from /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/subjects/fsaverage/surf/rh.sphere...
Setting up the triangulation for the decimated surface...
loaded rh.white 2562/163842 selected to source space (ico = 4)

You are now one step closer to computing the gain matrix

Compute forward models with a reference source space

the function compute_fwd morphs the source space src_ref to the surface of each subject by mapping the sulci and gyri patterns and computes their forward operators. Next we prepare the forward operators to be aligned across subjects

subjects = ["subject_a", "subject_b"]
trans_fname_s = [meg_path + "%s/sef-trans.fif" % s for s in subjects]
bem_fname_s = [subjects_dir + "%s/bem/%s-5120-bem-sol.fif" % (s, s)
               for s in subjects]

Before computing the forward operators, we make sure the coordinate transformation of the trans file provides a reasonable alignement between the different coordinate systems MEG <-> HEAD

for raw_fname, trans, subject in zip(raw_name_s, trans_fname_s, subjects):
    raw = raw =
    fig = mne.viz.plot_alignment(, trans=trans, subject=subject,
                                 show_axes=True, dig=True, eeg=[],

n_jobs = 1
parallel, run_func, _ = parallel_func(compute_fwd, n_jobs=n_jobs)

fwds_ = parallel(run_func(s, src_ref, info, trans, bem,  mindist=3)
                 for s, info, trans, bem in zip(subjects, raw_name_s,
                                                trans_fname_s, bem_fname_s))

fwds = prepare_fwds(fwds_, src_ref, copy=False)
  • plot mtw
  • plot mtw


Opening raw data file /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/MEG/subject_a/sef_right_raw.fif...
    Read a total of 8 projection items:
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
    Range : 26000 ... 1735999 =      8.667 ...   578.666 secs
Opening raw data file /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/MEG/subject_a/sef_right_raw-1.fif...
    Read a total of 8 projection items:
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
    Range : 1736000 ... 2482999 =    578.667 ...   827.666 secs
Current compensation grade : 0
Using subject_a-head-dense.fif for head surface.
    1 BEM surfaces found
    Reading a surface...
    1 BEM surfaces read
Opening raw data file /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/MEG/subject_b/hf_sef_15min_raw.fif...
    Read a total of 8 projection items:
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
    Range : 169000 ... 1878999 =     56.333 ...   626.333 secs
Opening raw data file /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/MEG/subject_b/hf_sef_15min_raw-1.fif...
    Read a total of 8 projection items:
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
    Range : 1879000 ... 2892999 =    626.333 ...   964.333 secs
Current compensation grade : 0
Using subject_b-head-dense.fif for head surface.
    1 BEM surfaces found
    Reading a surface...
    1 BEM surfaces read
Processing subject subject_a
Reading destination surface /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/subjects/subject_a/surf/lh.white
    Triangle neighbors and vertex normals...
Mapping lh fsaverage -> subject_a (nearest neighbor)...

Reading destination surface /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/subjects/subject_a/surf/rh.white
    Triangle neighbors and vertex normals...
Mapping rh fsaverage -> subject_a (nearest neighbor)...

Loading surfaces...
Homogeneous model surface loaded.

Loading the solution matrix...

Loaded linear_collocation BEM solution from /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/subjects/subject_a/bem/subject_a-5120-bem-sol.fif
Source space          : <SourceSpaces: [<surface (lh), n_vertices=178080, n_used=2562>, <surface (rh), n_vertices=163411, n_used=2562>] MRI (surface RAS) coords, subject 'subject_a'>
MRI -> head transform : /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/MEG/subject_a/sef-trans.fif
Measurement data      : sef_right_raw.fif
Conductor model   : instance of ConductorModel
Accurate field computations
Do computations in head coordinates
Free source orientations

Read 2 source spaces a total of 5124 active source locations

Coordinate transformation: MRI (surface RAS) -> head
     0.994477 -0.033381 -0.099512       2.49 mm
     0.071558  0.909221  0.410118      21.97 mm
     0.076788 -0.414973  0.906588      33.87 mm
     0.000000  0.000000  0.000000       1.00

Read 306 MEG channels from info
99 coil definitions read
Coordinate transformation: MEG device -> head
     0.996297 -0.076615  0.039017      -1.48 mm
     0.069384  0.984448  0.161392       3.66 mm
    -0.050776 -0.158087  0.986119      77.69 mm
     0.000000  0.000000  0.000000       1.00
MEG coil definitions created in head coordinates.
Source spaces are now in head coordinates.

Employing the head->MRI coordinate transform with the BEM model.
BEM model instance of ConductorModel is now set up

Source spaces are in head coordinates.
Checking that the sources are inside the surface and at least    3.0 mm away (will take a few...)
    Skipping interior check for 873 sources that fit inside a sphere of radius   50.7 mm
    Skipping solid angle check for 0 points using Qhull
    Skipping interior check for 888 sources that fit inside a sphere of radius   50.7 mm
    Skipping solid angle check for 0 points using Qhull

Setting up compensation data...
    No compensation set. Nothing more to do.

Composing the field computation matrix...
Computing MEG at 5124 source locations (free orientations)...

Processing subject subject_b
Reading destination surface /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/subjects/subject_b/surf/lh.white
    Triangle neighbors and vertex normals...
Mapping lh fsaverage -> subject_b (nearest neighbor)...

Reading destination surface /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/subjects/subject_b/surf/rh.white
    Triangle neighbors and vertex normals...
Mapping rh fsaverage -> subject_b (nearest neighbor)...

Loading surfaces...
Homogeneous model surface loaded.

Loading the solution matrix...

Loaded linear_collocation BEM solution from /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/subjects/subject_b/bem/subject_b-5120-bem-sol.fif
Source space          : <SourceSpaces: [<surface (lh), n_vertices=198441, n_used=2562>, <surface (rh), n_vertices=198539, n_used=2562>] MRI (surface RAS) coords, subject 'subject_b'>
MRI -> head transform : /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/MEG/subject_b/sef-trans.fif
Measurement data      : hf_sef_15min_raw.fif
Conductor model   : instance of ConductorModel
Accurate field computations
Do computations in head coordinates
Free source orientations

Read 2 source spaces a total of 5124 active source locations

Coordinate transformation: MRI (surface RAS) -> head
     0.997633 -0.026698 -0.063374      -0.86 mm
     0.045043  0.950051  0.308828       7.15 mm
     0.051963 -0.310952  0.949004      35.47 mm
     0.000000  0.000000  0.000000       1.00

Read 306 MEG channels from info
99 coil definitions read
Coordinate transformation: MEG device -> head
     0.994555  0.102411  0.019282      -2.88 mm
    -0.100756  0.992229 -0.072998      -4.46 mm
    -0.026608  0.070658  0.997145      60.28 mm
     0.000000  0.000000  0.000000       1.00
MEG coil definitions created in head coordinates.
Source spaces are now in head coordinates.

Employing the head->MRI coordinate transform with the BEM model.
BEM model instance of ConductorModel is now set up

Source spaces are in head coordinates.
Checking that the sources are inside the surface and at least    3.0 mm away (will take a few...)
    Skipping interior check for 746 sources that fit inside a sphere of radius   52.9 mm
    Skipping solid angle check for 0 points using Qhull
    Skipping interior check for 752 sources that fit inside a sphere of radius   52.9 mm
    Skipping solid angle check for 0 points using Qhull

Setting up compensation data...
    No compensation set. Nothing more to do.

Composing the field computation matrix...
Computing MEG at 5124 source locations (free orientations)...

Mapping lh fsaverage -> subject_a (nearest neighbor)...
Mapping rh fsaverage -> subject_a (nearest neighbor)...
Mapping lh fsaverage -> subject_b (nearest neighbor)...
Mapping rh fsaverage -> subject_b (nearest neighbor)...

Solve the inverse problems with Multi-task Wasserstein (MTW)

# The Multi-task Wasserstein promotes sparse source estimates are spatially
# close across subjects for each time point. `alpha` is a hyperparameter that
# controls the spatial prior; `beta` the sparsity prior. `alpha` must be
# non-negative, `beta` must be set as a positive number between 0
# and 1. With `beta` = 1, all the sources are 0.

# We restric the time points to 20ms in order to reconstruct the sources of
# the N20 response.

evokeds = [ev.crop(0.02, 0.02) for ev in evokeds]
stcs_mtw = compute_group_inverse(fwds, evokeds, noise_covs,


Computing OT ground metric ...
Solving for time point 1 / 1

Let’s visualize the N20 response. The stimulus was applied on the right hand, thus we only show the left hemisphere. The activation is exactly in the primary somatosensory cortex. We highlight the borders of the post central gyrus.

t = 0.02
plot_kwargs = dict(
    hemi='lh', subjects_dir=subjects_dir, views="lateral",
    initial_time=t, time_unit='s', size=(800, 800),
    smoothing_steps=5, cortex=("gray", -1, 6, True))

t_idx = stcs_mtw[0].time_as_index(t)

for stc, subject in zip(stcs_mtw, subjects):
    g_post_central = mne.read_labels_from_annot(subject, "aparc.a2009s",
    n_sources = [stc.vertices[0].size, stc.vertices[1].size]
    m = abs([:n_sources[0], t_idx]).max()
    plot_kwargs["clim"] = dict(kind='value', pos_lims=[0., 0.2 * m, m])
    brain = stc.plot(**plot_kwargs)
    brain.add_text(0.1, 0.9, "multi-subject-mtw (%s)" % subject,
    brain.add_label(g_post_central, borders=True, color="green")
  • plot mtw
  • plot mtw


Reading labels from parcellation...
   read 1 labels from /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/subjects/subject_a/label/lh.aparc.a2009s.annot
   read 0 labels from /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/subjects/subject_a/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot
Reading labels from parcellation...
   read 1 labels from /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/subjects/subject_b/label/lh.aparc.a2009s.annot
   read 0 labels from /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/subjects/subject_b/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot

Comparison with Single subject Lasso

To evaluate the effect of the MTW prior, we compute the independent Lasso solution

stcs = compute_group_inverse(fwds, evokeds, noise_covs,

for stc, subject in zip(stcs, subjects):
    stc.subject = subject
    g_post_central = mne.read_labels_from_annot(subject, "aparc.a2009s",
    n_sources = [stc.vertices[0].size, stc.vertices[1].size]
    m = abs([:n_sources[0], t_idx]).max()
    plot_kwargs["clim"] = dict(kind='value', pos_lims=[0., 0.2 * m, m])
    brain = stc.plot(**plot_kwargs)
    brain.add_text(0.1, 0.9, "single-subject-lasso (%s)" % subject,
    brain.add_label(g_post_central, borders=True, color="green")
  • plot mtw
  • plot mtw


Solving for time point 1 / 1
Reading labels from parcellation...
   read 1 labels from /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/subjects/subject_a/label/lh.aparc.a2009s.annot
   read 0 labels from /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/subjects/subject_a/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot
Reading labels from parcellation...
   read 1 labels from /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/subjects/subject_b/label/lh.aparc.a2009s.annot
   read 0 labels from /home/circleci/mne_data/HF_SEF/subjects/subject_b/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot


[1] Hicham Janati, Thomas Bazeille, Bertrand Thirion, Marco Cuturi, Alexandre Gramfort. Group level MEG/EEG source imaging via optimal transport: minimum Wasserstein estimates (IPMI 2019)

[2] Jussi Nurminen, Hilla Paananen, & Jyrki Mäkelä. (2017). High frequency somatosensory MEG: evoked responses, FreeSurfer reconstruction [Data set]. Zenodo.

Total running time of the script: ( 8 minutes 22.255 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 998 MB

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery