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Parallelization of Log-BP decodingΒΆ
This example shows how coding and decoding can be done in parallel to speed up computations.
First we create an LDPC code i.e a pair of decoding and coding matrices H and G. H is a regular parity-check matrix with d_v ones per row and d_c ones per column
H, G = make_ldpc(n, d_v, d_c, seed=seed, systematic=True, sparse=True)
n, k = G.shape
print("Number of coded bits:", k)
Number of coded bits: 61
Now we simulate transmission for different levels of noise and compute the percentage of errors using the bit-error-rate score To parallelize coding and decoding, simply stack the messages as columns:
n_messages = np.arange(1, 20)
n_runs = 50
snr = 10
times_parallel = []
times_sequential = []
for pp in n_messages:
t_parallel = 0
t_seq = 0
V = rng.randint(2, size=(k, pp)) # simulate messages
Y = encode(G, V, snr, seed=seed)
for _ in range(n_runs):
t = time()
decode(H, Y, snr)
t_parallel += time() - t
t = time()
for y in Y.T:
decode(H, y, snr)
t_seq += time() - t
times_sequential.append(t_seq / n_runs)
times_parallel.append(t_parallel / n_runs)
plt.plot(n_messages, times_sequential, color="indianred", lw=2,
plt.plot(n_messages, times_parallel, color="gold", lw=2, label="Parallel")
plt.ylabel("Time (s)")
plt.xlabel("# messages")

/Users/hichamjanati/Documents/github/pyldpc/examples/ UserWarning: Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure.
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 5.776 seconds)
Estimated memory usage: 14 MB